Monday, May 9, 2011

Our Indian Jones Journey! Trip to Tiputini Biodiversity Station

Friday, April 8, 2011:

Indiana Jones has nothing on our journey today. We started out the day with a 6:30am taxi ride to the airport and a 50 minute flight to a small town named Coco. We literally walked off the plane, went through a building with a 5 foot hallway leading to a tributary of the Amazon River. It was then that they told us we would be taking a 1.5 hour canoe ride down the river, go through an oil company who would drive us 1.5 hours across their partially deforested land. Next step was to take another 2.5 hour canoe ride to our final destination. Yep, 11 hour adventure in all. It was interesting driving through the oil property because at the parts they were cutting down forest, they left a thin layer of trees by the roadside to try to hide the destruction that lay beyond. Probably just in case someone broke their rule of “no cameras/photos allowed.” 

At Tiputini, we are IN IN IN the rainforest. I have yet to see a monkey at this point, but I’m sure there’s plenty to come tomorrow. Since we got here at 5:00pm, we basically just relaxed, ate dinner, then Kevin and our new friend Tabatha (George Town, Spanish major) climbed a water tower post to gaze up at the glittering sky. There was no light pollution whatsoever! This was followed by a second star gaze session with our new Jewish mountain man looking, but extremely cool friend, Gary. We talked about religion, aliens, life, and how people should be more chill for about 2 hours (the rest of the night)… you know, the average galaxy gazing conversation. 

In the boat on the way to the forest

Just Like the Mississippi

Tom Sawyer shot

Oil Station

Nasty Dog

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